World Mental Health Day 2022



wmhd 2022 official

Monday 10th October 2022 was World Mental Health Day which is a great way to raise Mental Health Awareness.

In the Apprenticeships Team at the University of Oxford, We strongly promote and use different measures to improve our Mental Health.


From the Team, Alex Purbrick- Apprenticeship Recruitment Partner is running this year's Oxford Half Marathon taking place on Sunday 16th October for Oxfordshire Mind who are a local charity campaigning for better Mental Health across Oxfordshire for over 50 years. This is the first time that Alex has done a Half Marathon and to find out more of his story and fundraising then please click here- Alex Purbrick is fundraising for Oxfordshire Mind (

Alex says "Mental Health is something that doesn't get spoken about enough and this year I'd like to do my part and make a difference"

Helen Johnson- Senior Appointments and Apprenticeship Manager. Helen participated in last years Oxford Half Marathon and raised £560 for Oxfordshire Mind which was a whopping 280% above her target following mental health experiences within her family.

Crsitiane Galli- Recruitment Officer and Events Coordinator enjoys long walks in the countryside and by the beach to enjoy the fresh air and to reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

Lastly Max Evans- Apprenticeship Recruitment Assistant. Outside of work Max enjoys playing and coaching for his local Badminton side- The Windrush and feels in a better place mentally after exercising regularly. For those who don't know Max- He loves a one million shortbread bite to keep his morale high!

It's okay not to feel okay and if you're reading this and feel that you would like to talk to someone about your Mental wellbeing then please remember that you are not alone. We are not always good about talking and sharing our experiences so if you are reading this and struggling, please don’t suffer alone. There is support and help available to you even in the darkest of times.


Oxfordshire Mind

01865 263730

Oxfordshire Mind | Your Local Mental Health Charity



116 123 free from any phone

Oxford Samaritans


Anxiety UK

03444 775774

National charity helping people with Anxiety - Anxiety UK




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