Pembroke College wishes to appoint a part-time Stipendiary Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, to start as soon as possible and for four months, with the possibility of extension by agreement for the full academic year 2022/23. The initial appointment is a short term appointment to cover for staff absence.
The post-holder will be asked to teach and to hold revision classes in the relevant subjects of the first and second year Mathematics curriculum. We have a lively Maths community in Pembroke including a flourishing Mathematics society and you will be mentored by senior academics and work alongside a number of early career academics and researchers.
All of our teaching is in small groups of no more than six students. You will be required to lead revision classes and provide teaching in some of the following courses, by agreement with the other college tutors:
- Prelims Intro Calc Revisions
- A1 DEI Revisions
- A11 Quantum Revisions
- Waves and Fluids Revisions
- A6 DEII Revisions
- ASO Spec Relativity
Details of the Mathematics course at Oxford can be found here.
You will be required to provide teaching for an average of four hours’ contact time during the eight weeks of term. You will also be expected to set and mark problem sheets, set and mark college exams and participate in undergraduate open days. You will be expected to prepare Pembroke’s students to complete their university exams successfully at the end of term and to support them as they revise.
The salary will be in the range of £9,308-£10,469 per annum (pro-rated) depending on experience and qualifications. . You will have a teaching allowance of £211.67 p.a. (pro-rated), use of a room for teaching, and you will also be able to take some lunches and dinners free of charge in College throughout the year. All salary figures are 2021-22 rates and are subject to annual uplift.
This is a College vacancy and the terms and conditions of the post are available at along with the Further Particulars. The University Terms and Conditions shown elsewhere on this site do not apply to this post.
Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae and a covering letter electronically to the Academic Office ( by 12 noon GMT on 21st April 2022. They should also ask two referees to send letters of reference to the same address by the same deadline. Interviews will be held on the morning of the 26th April 2022 and will involve a short presentation on teaching and questions from the panel.
The College is an equal opportunities employer.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.